Growing Your Hair, For Your Wedding

You’re engaged! Congratulations! Now the fun begins – planning the wedding and getting yourself into ‘Bride Mode’. If part of your plans are growing your hair for your wedding, then this post is for you. There are many things you’ll want to put in place ahead of the big day. A skincare routine for gorgeous Read More

Honeymoon Makeup Bag Guide

What Should You Pack in your Honeymoon Makeup Bag? What should you pack in your Honeymoon Makeup bag?The wedding is done! The planning and organising and stressing are a thing of the past and it is time to get some well earned R&R. When I was planning my own wedding, my honeymoon was the first Read More

Choosing The Right Makeup Artist, For You

Choosing the right makeup artist for you and your wedding dreams is very important. After all, this person is going to be one of the first people you see on your wedding morning. So you are going to want to be pleased to see them, even if you’re still in your pyjamas, with wild bed-head! Read More

How To Make Your Micro Wedding The One They Remember

2020 has not been the year anyone planned.  Let’s be honest, it’s been a right stinker!  For those in the wedding industry and those planning a 2020 wedding it has been a continuously changing challenge. Wedding sizes of 30 or less was already tough for many who had been planning a big wedding but with Read More