My Story


Photo of Nichola
It’s me!

I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to my website.

I’m Nichola, a professional makeup artists based in Brentwood, Essex, UK. I have had such a colourful career in the makeup business and looking back, I’ve had so much fun!

I actually started out wanting to be an actress and went to performing arts school. However after 3 years of studying I realised I HATED auditioning, which is kind of key to getting any actual acting jobsπŸ™ƒ. So I took a year out, left Essex and set off to Cyprus! Singing and dancing in hotel shows (which was a blast!). And when I returned I spent some time researching a career that wasn’t too far from arts world I so loved. This is when I stumbled on a Makeup Artists course at the Delamar Academy, London. And oh my goodness, I cannot tell you how much feel in love with the makeup world. Everyday at makeup school was super exciting for me. I would create cuts, monsters, bald heads, period characters, wigs and beards, aging makeups, glamour makeups. You name it, I did it and I did it with pure joy!

My First Job

woman wearing a bald cap
My first ever bald cap application!

I was super lucky to get a job straight out of makeup school. I worked for a few years in TV and film, mainly creating special effects makeups (I love a crime or horror movie so I was in my element), before landing my first West End theatre job. On the show Marguerite. I do not exaggerate when I tell you I skipped to that job every single day. Theatre is a huge passion of mine, and working in the wings of a major London theatre every day was a dream come true.

I spent many years in and out of different theatre productions before landing my first wedding job. At this point, I had no intention of working in the bridal industry. But I promised to help out a friend when their makeup artist had let them down. That first wedding job was a complete eye opener. How had I not done this before?! I knew there and then that this was where I was meant to be. What a special thing a wedding morning is! And I am so grateful that I get to be a part of so many. There’s nothing quite like that feeling.

Why Weddings?

I set up Makeup By Nichola because I know how special wedding mornings can be and I wanted to make sure that every bride gets the chance to experience that. I am passionate about providing a luxury bridal experience, that makes every bride feel not only beautiful but comfortable, confident and special on their wedding day. Looking like the best version of themselves. Natural, glowing and flawless.

I cover the whole of Essex, London, Kent and surrounding areas. And am also fortunate enough to take my business abroad. I have worked in Spain, Italy, Ibiza and more. I love that I get to travel and experience new places as part of my job.

My First West End show!

So if you want someone who really listens to your wedding makeup dreams, works with you and steps up as your wing-woman, with a little bit of jazz hands thrown in for good measure, then lets chat!

Oh and did I mention – I’m a vegan & cruelty free makeup artist, too.

N x

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